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In this overview of my work, the list of exhibitions is not important. Rather, the structuring of the content is the new thing. The work starts at the kinetic and ends with the information. In between, the media-art network discourse contains many inventions and ideas.

**So, better you start on the frontpage again.**

The Nature

Everything is nature. 1974 i build a table with a grass surface. I did it to mix my technical understanding of things with the questions of nature. And i did it several times since yesterday.

Computercode, Natural Sience and Algorithms

How to use these elements to create new things? With Each step forward do understand our reality our world become smaller and the determinism in our world is Risiko up. Things become true. But in a deterministic world there is no more place for more inventations. But we as artosts want to be creativ an make new things. This things make our individual characters. Dont be depressiv now. Fortunately we have as blur the freedom of thought and art. Lets fight for the receipt of meaningless information. Lets lie against the determistic world. Lets punk. It is the basis for our utopia.

Reihung der Themen wichtig it starts Mi Kinetic

xhibitions not first mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmein start in about wir kämpfen gengen den algorythmus für die freiheit des individiums und der kunst

guter algorythmus gegen schlechten algorythmus

ted kandinsiky way is not the solution

immer in einem Feld: raum - zeit entropie - information kinetics - cybernetics