1993 The Electronic Gallery


Under the concept of interactive art television, the electronic gallery was put into operation in 1993. The art television functioned by the transmission of pictures into a FIDO network. Each viewpoint of the network was a FIDO node. There were two types of visibility:

The LCD Screen

An LCD screen from a notebook was installed in a baroque picture frame. In the picture was also the rest of the notebook. When the image was connected to the power and the wall outlet, the viewpoint was automatically inserted into the network once a day and the new images of the artists were collected

Channel 38

The second viewpoint was a monochrome canvas. The entire hardware was installed in the picture frame. In addition, a small transmitter was built, which sent on the television channel 38 a picture from the viewpoint to the television that could be placed near the picture. The “channel 38” nodes functioned just like the LCD screen; once a day, the connection to the network was established via a normal telephone line, and the current program was played in a slideshow.

The Artists:

Following artists was part of the network:

  1. Andreas Lichtenfels
  2. Andreas Kunzmann
  3. Anna Steininger
  4. Armin Medosch
  5. Bob Adrian X
  6. Christoph Nebel
  7. Etoy
  8. F.E. Rakuschan
  9. Franco Kappl
  10. Franz Blaas
  11. Franz Krahberger
  12. Fritz Grohs
  13. Gerbard Sengmüller
  14. Gerda Lampalzer
  15. Gerwald rockenschaub
  16. Gottfried Bechtold
  17. Hans Weihgang
  18. Heinz Reisinger
  19. Helmut Mark
  20. Helmut Stadelmann
  21. Helmut Weber
  22. Helmut Schager
  23. HILUS
  24. Hubert Matt
  25. H.R. Fricker
  26. Jürg Meister
  27. Kit Blake
  28. Konrad Becker
  29. Kurt Hentschläger
  30. Kurt Kren
  31. Leo Schatzl
  32. Literatur und Medien
  33. Margarete Jahrmann
  34. Matta Wagnes
  35. Mathias Fuchs
  36. Max Moswitzer
  37. Michael Huber
  38. Muki Pakesch
  39. Norbert Pfaffenbichler
  40. Peppi Öttl
  41. Peter Fend
  42. Peter Kogler
  43. Peter Sandbichler
  44. Ponton Media
  45. Rainer Ganahl
  46. Ruth Schnell
  47. Sabine Bitter
  48. Stoph Sauter
  49. Tassilo Blittersdorf
  50. tin
  51. Christen Thönissen
  52. U Phi
  53. Udo Wid
  54. You Never Know

The Viewing Points

Continious viewing:

  • MAK Museum of Applied Art Vienna
  • Freihaus 1040 Vienna
  • OK Center for Contemporary Art Linz
  • Werkstatt Graz Sporgasse 16
  • Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum

Temporary viewing:

  • 1995 - Ars Electronica Linz
  • Jenseits der Kunst - Ludwig Múzeum Budapest
  • Dead Dog Gallery - Vienna

The Video